Weightstone wine tasting event
陳小曼受邀與 Salon flowers 一同策劃 Weightstone 威石東台灣葡萄酒 開胃派對,ㄧ為五款酒準備了家常開胃酒食。
Slow Food Design (SFD) team was invited to plan the Weightstone Taiwanese wine tasting party with Salon Flowers and prepare wine-pairing for home-style bar food with five kinds of wine.
Food grown from land does not only carry its terroir, but also its culture and personality. Weightstone’s wines are gentle in flavor, and occasionally bright and surprisingly sour between various blends. Just like a gentleman with humour, always bringing a lighthearted opening to a banquet. This time, the SFD team paired five dishes with five wines of different flavors, hoping everyone can get tipsy together in the cold winter and in a cozy home party.
從第一隻we系列白酒 (white blend) 開始,根據它清爽明亮的風味搭配了豆腐,淋上薑味的白柚子醬油,場景也是全白的花系;接著第二隻 frizzante 微氣泡酒,場景裡請大家加入了紅色的花,配上了在盤中鋪滿烤蝦殼的 ”shrimp cocktail” ,用荔枝與檸檬酸漬生蝦帶出海洋風味。
Starting from the first “we” series white wine (white blend), the used tofu, drizzled with ginger-flavored white grapefruit soy sauce, to pair with the white wine’s refreshing and bright flavor. The plating was also decorated with different kinds of white flowers.
Next up was the frizzante sparkling wine. The “shrimp cocktail” was covered with grilled shrimp shells and red flowers on the plate. Lychees and citric acid pickled raw shrimp brought out flavors of the ocean.
在大家開始為場景加入吊飾的同時,是第三隻充滿木質調香氣的木杉(Musann Blanc),我們搭配了土系風味的烤香菇,與新鮮柿子、柿乾的糖葫蘆,插在狂野的花圈上;烤香菇灑上鹹酥雞粉,用來插香菇的木棍是胡椒木,靠近聞就有胡椒香氣,充滿森林氣味的一道。
When everyone began to add ornaments to the scene, there came the third wine with a woody aroma, Musann Blanc. The wine matched the earthy roasted shiitake mushrooms with fresh and dried persimmon candied fruits. They were inserted on the wild wreath and sprinkled with fried chicken powder. The wooden sticks used to insert the mushrooms were pepperwood, which delivers a peppery aroma. A dish that smells like forest.
接下去第四隻是令人心醉的Rose (Gris de Noirs),搭配果實風味濃厚的沙拉,我們用了台灣市場上隨處可見的煙燻茶鵝,搭配火龍果、淋上桑椹玫瑰醬汁,與從南投玫瑰園訂的乾燥玫瑰花瓣。
The fourth combination is the heady Rosé (Gris de Noirs) paired with a fruity salad. The team used smoked tea goose, which can be found everywhere in Taiwanese traditional markets, together with dragon fruit, drizzled with mulberry rose sauce, and served with dried rose petals from Nantou Rose Garden.
最後是白中白 (Blanc de blancs) 帶有自然酒風格的這隻酒性格強烈,我們將畫布留給主角(也因為大家也差不多微醺了?)奉上 “crab Mont Blanc” 蟹肉蒙布朗,壓碎的油條飯糰上以豆腐乳回應發酵風味,峰頂一點魚子醬與金箔相襯酒中高貴氣味。這時的餐桌上燭火搖曳,越來越溫暖,酒酣耳熱的派對在熱湯中結束這一局。
Last came the Blanc de blancs, a wine that has natural wine’s strong character. The canvas was left to the protagonist (also because everyone was almost drunk?) and served with “crab Mont Blanc.” The crushed fritter balls cohere with the fermented taste of fermented tofu, topped with caviar and gold foil to complement the noble flavor of the wine. At this moment, the candles flickered, warmer and warmer, ending the boozy party with a hot soup.
場地策劃:Salon Flowers
餐點協力:Theodore Hsiao
攝影:Jimmy Yang