Cannoli theatre

“Leave the gun, take the (Fortune) Cannoli”

電影教父(The Godfather)不僅公認經典,也被美國公會選為史上最偉大作品。其影響力無遠弗屆,將義大利的黑幫文化深刻烙印在觀眾心中,以及,同時也包含了,西西里的經典甜點 Cannoli。

Cannoli 是一個管狀的煎餅餅乾(拉丁語Canna原意為蘆荻-管狀的植物),預炸之後在中間填入Ricotta餡料,最後撒上如雪花的糖粉。在義大利各地可能會出現不同的口味,如開心果、榛果等,是為義大利西西里的經典甜點。隨著義大利移民傳到美國的Cannoli,則發展出Mascarpone或卡士達內餡的做法。

教父的經典場景之一,Peter Clemenza 在部下殺掉了叛徒 Pauli 之後,對羅科·拉朋說:“Leave the gun, take the Cannoli” 這一幕在原著小說中並未出現,但卻在電影中以一句台詞非常精準且隱諱地體現了義大利的家庭觀;其後,Cannoli 在教父3也巧妙扮演了關鍵暗殺道具。也因為這個場景,Cannoli 成為了家喻戶曉的義大利黑幫代表點心。


雖然現在連求籤擲筊都可以online,這種神秘的飲食文化還是很引人入勝。這次島作臨時店,陳小曼選了六部跟教父相關的電影,根據劇本發展出他們自己獨特的 Cannoli,向經典致敬,還引用電影台詞放在餅乾盒裡。

“Leave the gun, take the (Fortune) Cannoli”

The movie, The Godfather, is not only recognized as a classic but also selected as the greatest film of all time by the American Guild. Its influence is far-reaching, imprinting the Italian gangster culture in the hearts of the audience while including the classic dessert of Sicily, the Cannoli.

Cannoli is a tube-shaped pancake cookie (Canna in Latin means reed – tube-shaped plant), pre-fried, filled with Ricotta filling in the middle, and sprinkled with snowflakes of powdered sugar. Different flavors may appear throughout Italy, such as pistachio, hazelnut, etc. It is a classic dessert of Sicily, Italy. As Italian immigrants came to Cannoli in the United States, they developed the practice of filling it with mascarpone or custard.

In one of The Godfather’s classic scenes, Peter Clemenza said to Rocco Lampone after his subordinates killed the traitor Pauli: “Leave the gun, take the Cannoli.” This scene does not appear in the original novel, but accurately and implicitly portrayed the Italian family view in simply one line of the movie. After that, Cannoli also skillfully played a key assassination prop in The Godfather 3. Because of this scene, Cannoli has become a well-known representative of Italian gangster snacks.

Fortune cookie is also a product developed in the Chinese immigrant culture in the United States. It is usually the last dessert in Chinese restaurants around Chinatown in the US. There is a proverb and lucky number hidden in the cookie. However, the origin is unknown. One said that Japanese immigrants introduced the “God fortune” biscuits to the United States and the Americans transformed them. The other said that some Chinese have linked its origin to the time when Zhu Yuanzhang rebelled in the Yuan Dynasty during the Mid-Autumn Festival and stuffed uprising messages into the mooncakes.

Although nowadays you can even draw lots online, this mysterious food culture is still very fascinating. This time, a temporary store was set up. The SFD team selected six movies related to The Godfather, developed their own unique Cannoli according to the script, paid respect to the classics, quoted the movie lines, and put them in a cookie box.


– 導演 法蘭西斯 · 柯波拉 生日1939年4月7日
– 西西里(Parlemo)的郵遞區號 901

At the venue, Slow Food Design team built a movie ticket booth. Guests could choose a movie at the booth, get a movie ticket, and exchange it for a cannoli. The numbers on the ticket also include hidden knowledge about The Godfather:

– “The Godfather” premiered in the United States on March 15, 1972
– Director Francis Coppola’s birthday is on April 7, 1939
– The postal code of Parlemo, Sicily is 901


電影列表 Movie list:

教父 The Godfather  Classic: Ricotta, orange

“Don’t let anybody know what you are thinking.”


但不管了,導演格波拉本人從沒正面回應橘子的謎團,而橘子還是揚名立萬,在世界各處成為致敬的梗。我們當然要從經典出發,Cannoli 的正統做法,也正好會在內餡上以橙皮點綴與提出酸味(與電影美術的心意不謀而合?)

One of the most talked about clues in the classic movie “The Godfather” is the oranges. Movie fans collected all scenes with oranges and found that “as long as there are oranges, it is a sign of death”: these mysterious oranges are considered to symbolize holy blood and sacrifice in Catholicism, as well as a metaphor for death in the storyline. However, in “Legend of the Godfather”, this secret was solved by the art design. It turns out that these oranges are for increasing the chroma and balancing the dark colors of the scenes.

No matter what, director Coppola himself has never responded to the mystery of the orange, and the orange is still famous and has become a tribute all over the world. Of course, we have to start from the classics. The traditional way of making cannoli is to add orange peels to the fillings as an embellishment and bringing out sourness (which somehow coheres with the art direction?)


愛情不用翻譯 Lost in Translation – Whisky honey

“I know, I’m going to miss you, too.”


電影描述美國好萊屋過氣男星到日本拍攝Suntory廣告,人處異地的寂寞交織城市榮景,格外疏離。他遇到了住在同一個飯店的 Charlotte,兩人的孤獨氣味相投,微妙的氣氛流動,電影最後一幕,兩人在新宿街頭相擁告別,Bob 在她耳邊說了一句我們永遠不知道的話。留下威士忌的餘香。

Director Sofia Coppola is the daughter of The Godfather’s famous director Francis Coppola, in which she played the role of a baby. (What runs in this family?) She stepped into directing with the world’s attention. Her debut completely impressed the world with Lost in Translation. She became the first female director in the United States to be awarded an Oscar for this film.

The movie describes a has-been American Hollywood actor who went to Japan to shoot Suntory commercials, where loneliness feels extra distant being in an unfamiliar country. He meets Charlotte, who lives in the same hotel. The two share a lonely vibe, and between them flows a subtle interesting atmosphere. In the final scene of the movie, the two hug and say goodbye on the streets of Shinjuku, and Bob whispers something in her ear that we will never know. It leaves an aftertaste of whisky.


好傢伙 Goodfellas – tomato basil

“Never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut.”

1990的由 Martin Scorsese 執導的 Goodfellas 被譽為是教父之後最精彩的黑幫電影,改編自小說 Wiseguy,生動逼真的講述了美國黑幫名人 Henry Hill 在1955年至1980年的犯罪史。同時,這部電影也獲得「史上最多髒話」的”殊榮”。

在電影最後,Henry,與FBI合作,告發他昔日友人而安全脫身,然而曾經站在高點擁有一切的他變得一無所有。他在最後一段獨白中以番茄義大利麵比喻他一無所有的下場。「我點的是番茄肉醬義大利麵,得到的是黃麵加番茄醬。我將活得像個敗類。」事實上,在現實世界中,Henry曾出版食譜書《The Wiseguy Cookbook》我們將他的人生滋味,放進 Cannoli 中,希望不太苦澀不太鹹。

Goodfellas, directed by Martin Scorsese in 1990′, has been hailed as the best gangster film since the Godfather. Based on the novel Wiseguy, Goodfellas vividly tells the criminal history of American gangster Henry Hill from 1955 to 1980. At the same time, the film also won the “honor” for “the most curse words in history.”

At the end of the film, Henry, working with the FBI, denounced his former friend and escaped safely, but he who once stood on the top and had everything, became nothing. In his final monologue, he used red sauce spaghetti as a metaphor for having nothing at all in the end. ” I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I’m an average nobody.” In fact, in reality, Henry published a recipe book, The Wiseguy Cookbook. The Slow Food Design team put the taste of his life into the cannoli, hopefully not too bitter and not too salty.


燦爛時光 La meglio gioventu (The Best of Youth) – Sea salt smoked chocolate

“Are you looking for the mystery?”
“We must seek the soul … we must look inside!”

燦爛時光是2003年一部長達六小時的義大利電影,以一對兄弟橫跨40年的人生,他們家庭、愛人之間的情仇,講述義大利民族的愛情觀、價值觀。許多將之譽為媲美教父的經典之作。導演Marco Tullio Giordana在片中也透過劇情帶入義大利重要的社會事件如都靈學生集會示威,還有接踵而來的藍領工潮、赤軍旅恐怖行動、經濟衰退官員貪污,以及1992年的西西里黑手黨大屠殺等。

「燦爛時光」的原文片名「La meglio gioventu」,是源自義大利導演帕索里尼 (Pier Paolo Pasolini) 的同名詩集,法國配樂大師Georges Delerue 為這部電影配樂時,用了楚浮 (Francois Truffaut)經典之作「夏日之戀」(Jules et Jim) 做為主旋律。故事背景同樣為兩男一女之間互相愛戀、複雜、細膩卻也純粹的交織感情。我們以鹹、甜、煙燻交錯的風味表現這故事線中半衝突半協調的狀態,也是想像中遙遠夏日裡的氣味記憶。

The Best of Youth is a six-hour Italian film in 2003, focusing on the 40 years of life of two brothers, portraying the love and hatred between their families and lovers, and showing values in Italian culture. Many hailed it as a classic comparable to The Godfather. Director Marco Tullio Giordana also brings important social events in Italy through the plot, such as the Turin student protest, as well as the ensuing blue-collar labor movement, Red Brigades terrorist acts, the corruption of officials in the economic recession, and The Sicilian Mafia massacre in 1992, etc.

The original title of “The Best Youth,” “La meglio gioventu,” is derived from the poetry collection of the same name by Italian director Pier Paolo Pasolini. When Georges Delerue was composing for the film, he used Francois Truffaut’s classic work, Jules et Jim as its homophony. The background story is also a mutual love between a man and a woman, their complex, delicate, and pure intertwined feelings. The Slow Food Design team expressed the semi-conflict and semi-coordinated state of this storyline with the mixed flavors of savoury, sweet, and smoky, a scent memory of an imaginary distant summer.


大亨小傳 The Great Gatsby  Green tea

“It takes two to make an accident.”


故事描述年輕而神秘的百萬富翁 Gatsby 對 Daisy 近乎狂熱的迷戀與執著。他請鄰居Nick輾轉約迷戀多年但已為人妻的Daisy到家中喝茶,開始了糾纏不清的關係,而出身富有的Daisy也利用了各種關係來達成目的。其中一幕描述 Gatsby 望向彼岸布坎南碼頭的綠光,象徵著蓋茲比對未來的希望和夢想,也象徵了他不甘於處於暗處的忌妒心。這杯嫉妒的茶,喝起來是舌尖苦澀,還是餘韻的香?

The original novel of The Great Gatsby was published in 1925. It is a novella written by American writer Francis Scott Fitzgerald and set in New York City and Long Island in the 1920s as a representation of the Jazz Era in American literature. Fitzgerald is considered a classic representative of the Lost Generation of the 1920s. Francis Coppola wrote the screenplay for the novel’s second film adaptation (there have been five adaptations, the most well-known being the 2013 version starring Leonardo).

The story describes the young and mysterious millionaire Gatsby’s fanatical obsession with Daisy. He asked his neighbor Nick to invite Daisy, who has been infatuated with his wife for many years, to his house for tea, where the tangled relationship started. Daisy, who was born rich, also used various relationships to achieve his goals. One of the scenes depicts Gatsby looking at the green light of Buchanan Pier on the other side of the water, symbolizing Gatsby’s hopes and dreams for the future, as well as his jealousy of unwillingly staying in the dark. This cup of jealous tea, is it bitter on the tip of the tongue, or is it fragrant in the aftertaste?

Special thanks to:
製片 Production:實心美術 / 島作 @islandcraftsmarket
編劇 Screenwriter:陳小曼 @slow.chen
劇務 Stage manager: 蕭志倫 @theodorehsiao
劇本顧問 Script consultant: 曾熙凱 @shikaitseng
藝術總監 Art director: 王嘉平 @j_ping_chef
武術指導 Martial art lead: 陳撫洸 @kuang_macaron
電影美術 Film artist: 羅賓唐 @robintangantics
劇照攝影 Stills photographer: 林志潭 @protrait
道具支援 Prop supply@jcli21, @mymilly_liu, @horibgoode
客串演出 Cameo@wsy429, @bearchiang, @zakka_w, @lin_kueian, 郭慧