Table for Miss A – Food concepts

Maudsley family breakfast





 According to statistics, the most common time that families eat together is during breakfast. Through the first course of savory porridge, we mark our first day wearing the shoes of someone with an eating disorder. (Have you noticed the mirror above your head? Overevaluation and self-criticism are common occurrences for those with eating disorders)

Feeding is one of the first interactions after birth which can affect attachment relationships. This relationship is usually between mother and child. According to Freud, all interpersonal relationships in a person’s life are determined by one’s childhood attachment with one’s mother. Generally speaking, “feeding” only occurs in an intimate and safe environment. Conversely, “feeding” can immediately break or build the power relationship between the two.

The Maudsley Hospital in London devised a ‘family therapy’ for the treatment of anorexia nervosa, and is still considered to be one of the more effective methods for treating patients under the age of 18 and within three years of onset, to this day. Through interviews, psychiatrists observed that most female patients have a tense parent-child relationship with their mothers.



從眾(conformity)最早是由一位美國社會心理學家Solomon E·Asch的線段長短實驗所提出。透過他的實驗,證實多數人們會因群體標準改變自身行為。加上演算法的作用,我們時常處在合法但危險的資訊環境中。根據2018年的資料台灣的instagram用戶高達七百多萬人,其中15-34歲的使用者佔六成。(15歲就是飲食障礙的高發期)

在社群媒體追求空泛的肯定,已成為一種成癮症,美國參議員甚至提出《降低社群媒體成癮性技術法案》(The social Media Addiction Reduction Technology Act,簡稱SMART法案)《美國醫學學會雜誌》也發表研究指青少年使用社群媒體的時間與憂鬱症的機率成正相關。

 In modern society, people usually check their mobile phones when they wake up in the morning. The feeding of information begins before they are fully conscious.

‘Conformity’ was first experimented on by Solomon E. Asch, an American social psychologist, through the comparison of different line lengths. Through his experiments, it was confirmed that most people yielded their behavior due to fit the standards of the majority group. Coupled with all the algorithms that are targeted at us, we are often within a legal but dangerous information environment. According to data from 2018, there are more than 7 million instagram users in Taiwan, of which 60% are 15-34 years old. (The most common age of developing an eating disorder is 15 years of age.)

The pursuit of affirmation on social media has long become an addiction. The United States Senator even proposed the “Social Media Addiction Reduction Technology Act (SMART Act) , as the “Journal of the American Medical Association” published research suggesting that adolescent use of social media is positively correlated with the diagnosis of depression.


Ellen’s burger

由Lily Collins演出的《To the Bone》,描述厭食症女主角 Ellen 的偏執與痛苦。即使體重已經嚴重低於正常水平,神經性厭食症患者還是認為自己體重超標,其自殺率比其他心理疾病都高。

戲外,Lily Collins 自己也曾患有厭食症。法國知名的厭食症模特兒 Isabelle Caro 過世時震驚世界,實際上,法國有60萬的年輕人患有飲食失調症,其中就有4萬人是厭食症,飲食障礙是在15-24歲人口中第二大死因,僅次於車禍。法國政府2017年也通過法令,規定該國境內所有職業模特兒都必須透過醫生檢驗保持BMI在標準值內。

 “To the Bone” which stars Lily Collins, describes the paranoia and pain of the anorexic protagonist, Ellen. Even as her weight is severely below average, patients with anorexia nervosa still believe that they are overweight, and the suicide rate of this disease is higher than many other mental illnesses.

In real life, Lily Collins herself has battled with anorexia. Isabelle Caro, a well-known French model, shocked the world when she died from anorexia. In fact, roughly 600,000 young people in France suffer from eating disorders, of which 40,000 have anorexia. Eating disorders are the main cause of death for the 15-24 year old population. Second leading cause are car accidents. The French government passed laws in 2017, requiring all professional models in the country to maintain a healthy BMI standard set by the medical community and imposed by medical examinations.


Ecce homo




Excessive anxiety about weight, constant weight measurement, and obsessive calorie control are typical symptoms of anorexia.In the case interview with Miss A, she admitted she would measure her weight more than twice a day, just to see if the numbers changed. ‘Perfectionism’ in psychology refers to a person’s constant pursuit of flawless, accurate or high standards, the pursuit of perfection, which is always accompanied by self-criticism and concerns regarding others’ evaluations.

Perfectionism has many faces. It has a positive side as well as a negative side. Pathological perfectionism can drive people to pursue goals that are too high or unattainable, which can cause great pain when they fail to achieve those unrealistic goals. Whereas perfectionism in the normal sense can give people the motivation to pursue their goals, and bring them a sense of happiness.

The famous German scholar Nietzsche is a typical representative of a perfectionist. Explaining the origins of his philosophical musings in the unique autobiography “Ecce Homo”, one can clearly see the pursuit of perfectionism in his mental state.


11 PM





There are several types of brainwaves. According to research, people in different states of mind emit different brain waves, such as the focused thinking, management and planning, and the normal ‘waking consciousness’ level of the beta brainwaves; the relaxed and meditative states of the alpha waves; and the low frequency, “subconscious” theta waves that occur most commonly when we sleep.

When dissing people for having “slow brain waves”, this actually refers to the change in our judgment and decision-making abilities due to the switch in frequencies of our brainwaves. Therefore, according to survey, the best time to run advertisements is from 10pm to midnight (slight differences by region). The goal is to spread information while people are not at their peak level of “consciousness”, so as to affect people’s thoughts and judgments.

Those suffering from eating disorders often feel stressed by the food that’s in front of them, often feeling that they “ate too much”, which is often closely tied to a superficial concern for social perception and acceptance.


15 eggs a day


During the preparation period for bodybuilding competitions, participants control their diets in very extreme ways, such as carbohydrate loading: glycogen is the main storage of glucose in our body, so athletes will first inhibit their carbohydrate intake a week before the competition, followed by a high level of carbohydrate intake, which maximizes the storage of glycogen in the muscles and liver. Another technique is hydrate and then dehydrate, so that muscle lines are more defined. Sometimes they also consume protein and calories far beyond the normal amount. In an interview with a professional fitness coach, he mentioned that since it is almost impossible to ingest 7,000 calories a day, he would simply eat 15 eggs a day.


Cherry on a cake




“Stop waiting life to be easy. Face some hard facts then you could have an incredible lfie.” — <To the Bone> Dr. William Beckham 


In patients with bulimia, symptoms not only include purging after eating or fast-consumption habits, but also hiding and sneaking food in secret places.

Interviewee Gin Oy stated that before she developed an eating disorder, she remembered a time when “eating” was actually a source of joy – actually liking food, enjoying celebrations, and eating without pressure… “I felt happy.” For six years during her battle with disorder, she could not feel hunger or happiness.

For this final course, we disassembled the birthday cakes from our childhood memory, in hopes of trying to “recover” the pure sense of happiness before the disorder. There are many ways for our bodies produce endorphins, including exercise, having sex, eating, and getting a good night’s sleep, but the first step is to ‘understand’.

“Stop waiting life to be easy. Face some hard facts then you could have an incredible life.” — <To the Bone> Dr. William Beckham




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